- Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity.
- Consent is about communication (verbal and nonverbal).
- Giving consent for one activity, one time does not mean giving consent for increased or recurring sexual contact.
- You can withdraw consent at any point if you feel uncomfortable: clearly communicate to your partner that you wish to stop.
- Positive consent can look like
- "Is this okay?"
- Explicitly agreeing using affirmative statements: "Yes" or "I'm open to trying."
- Using physical cues to let the other person know you're comfortable taking things to the next level.
- Positive consent does NOT look like
- Refusing to acknowledge "no."
- Assuming that wearing certain clothes or kissing is an invitation for something more.
- Someone being under the legal age of consent.
- Someone being incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.
- Pressuring someone into sexual activity.
- Assuming you have permission because you've done it in the past.
Source: Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)