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Student Services Resources

This your MCC guide for all Student Services resources.

ADA/504 Accommodations

SERVICES AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Midwestern Career College recognizes and supports the role that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and similar state laws have in achieving academic success. Midwestern Career College is committed to making reasonable accommodations for students with qualified disabilities and to ensuring that its campuses and its facilities are made accessible as required by applicable law. The College cannot make accommodation that will alter the nature of its programs, cause undue burdens on MCC, or create a direct threat to the health and the safety of students or others.

SECTION 504 COORDINATOR FOR STUDENTS Joyce Gaa 203 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 236-9000 Ext 1006

REQUESTS FOR ACCOMMODATIONS A reasonable accommodation in the college setting is a modification or adjustment to a class or portion of the class that will enable a qualified person with a disability to participate in the program or class or to enjoy the rights and privileges offered by the college. Modifications that impose an undue burden or pose a health or safety risk are not considered reasonable. The college is required to make modifications only to known and validated disabilities. The college or department will take steps necessary to ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are not excluded, treated differently or segregated because of the absence of auxiliary aids or services. Each department will coordinate the provision of modifications with the Section 504 Coordinator, the Academic Manager on campus and/or the Program Director.