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Student Services Resources

This your MCC guide for all Student Services resources.


  1. Go on      

  2. Click on exams                        

  3. Under REEG/T click on handbook. must read before filling application. Handbook PDF listed above. Notice MCC listed on page 5.

  4. Under REEG/T click on forms and then download application-Listed Above

  5. While filling application, mark pathway II

  6. Mail to ABRET office at:

     ABRET Executive Office

    111 E. University Dr. #105-355

    Denton, TX 76209

    Phone/FAX (217) 726-7980

  7. Under REEG/T click on EEG documentation form- Listed above

  8. Under REEG/T click on Pathways and application - 

  9. Click on pathway II at the bottom which takes you to another page where you'd have to create a Certemy account-